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Domain Registration
Domain Registration is a service provided by many hosting services, as well as registration services. These services submit the forms that are required to obtain a domain name for use on your web site. Costs: There is a one-time charge from the registration service, usually around $25. There have been many cases where unethical individuals have registered domain names hoping to "sell" the domain to the companies that should have rightfully registered those names. These are not legitimate registration services, and should be avoided. You should not make your web site's name public knowledge until after a domain name has been registered in your name. When the domain name is first registered, your organization should be the owner of the domain name. Changing the owner of a domain name involves a "transfer" form that must be notarized by both parties, and some additional fees. As mentioned earlier, the cost of the domain name itself is a charge, and the company that provides the domain name, Internet for example, will bill you directly for the domain name itself. Recommendations: Make sure that whoever registers the domain name specifies your name, or the name of your business or organization, as appropriate, as the owner.

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